Feed our fish by clicking on their water.

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Sunday, November 17, 2013

Fun in the Sun

The children are learning to throw and catch while improving their hand eye co-ordination.

Milk in Schools

The children have been enjoying drinking the milk as well as learning how to fold the boxes up as we have been shown.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

What a busy term so far!
We have been learning about
                letters   Cc  Aa  Tt  Hh
                maths - addition and subtraction up to 10
                athletic skills and cricket skills

Next week we begin swimming as well as joining the senior school for athletic sports.

Have a great week!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Welcome to term 4! We have lots of learning experiences happening this term. Swimming, Athletics, Tennis, exploring the importance of water, as well as reading, writing, alphabet, and numeracy. Wow!

We are learning to:
Numeracy / Maths - form a set
Letter - Cc
Exploring water - what happens to plants with or without water?

                                                 A exciting week. Enjoy!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Practicing Handwriting

The children showed fantastic pencil control while writing the alphabet on the white boards. Well done! p

Welcome to Term 3

Welcome back to term 3.
This week the children have been busy exploring how to use the iPads.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Welcome to Term 2

What a busy time we have had so far! We have reviewed the letters learnt last term: Aa Cc Oo Ff Tt Ll Hh We have visited Harold from Life Trust and been learning how to be kind friends. This week we have the circus visiting and will also begin looking at fire safety. Exciting times!


Monday, March 4, 2013

Letters for Week 2, 3, 4, 5(review)

  refont.com - Glitter textrefont.com - Glitter textrefont.com - Glitter textrefont.com - Glitter textrefont.com - Glitter textrefont.com - Glitter textrefont.com - Glitter textrefont.com - Glitter textrefont.com - Glitter textrefont.com - Glitter text

 The term is racing by. I hope to put up some photos this week so watch this space.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Monday, February 4, 2013

Welcome to Kaylea

Kaylea writing her name on the interactive white board.
                                On the playground.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Week 1

The letter of the week:
refont.com - Glitter text

 We have been practicing the name of the letter and the sound that it makes.

Poem of the week:

Welcome to Term 1 2013

Welcome to Term 1! We are busy settling in and learning the school routines and expectations. What a wonderful first week.

The sun has been shining and we are really encouraging the students and staff to wear a hat and drink lots of water. If the children bring water bottles they are able to have them on their table during the day.

Water: through out the year we will be exploring the concept that 'water is life'. The children explore the importance of water in our live's.

Whanaungatanga (relationships): this term we are learning about where we belong and how we are valued. Then later in the term we will begin to explore our relationship with water.

Numeracy: we are learning about collecting data and graphing the data to analyze. As well as learning counting, addition and subtraction.

Literacy: we will continue to learn and practice our alphabet, reading, writing, sight words, and comprehension skills.

Your child's individual goals will be glued into their homework books for you to read. Please comment if you have anything to add, change, or to discuss.

Lots to learn! We are going to have a great term.

Mrs Francis.